These directories contain selected furry items which I either think are interesting and/or helpful.
To get you orientated with FurryMUCK I have collected all nine (9) of the FurryMUCK maps from the archive. In some instances I have added new information that I have discovered during my adventures.
To reach FurryMUCK you need a telnet application to ftp to or 8889 or 8890 (To specify the port it is usually necessary to set up the port connection in your telnet preferences.)
This anthropomorphic hummock is maintained by quill. Being one of the few creatures that can (mostly) live in the domicile of the carnivorous quadruped, quill is well suited to administer this site. Quill is actually an echidna (family Tachyglossidea). He is a mammal with a pelt of sharp spines. Do not mistake quill for a porcupine (family Hystricidae) as he often gets very upset being mistaken for a rodent. Find out more about quill later.
Go fur it!
Paul GrignonA Fork in the Road
- What is FurryMUCK
- FurryMUCK Maps
- FurNation's Image Archive
- Find a Fur! - Furry Database
- About quill
- TelNet2.6 for your Macintosh
- How to connect to FurryMUCK
- To the Archive
FurryMUCK Home PageAussie Furs...
Paul Grignon
Disclaimer: This is a private project, and is not officially endorsed by Furry Org. The author is solely reponsible for its contents. This data is provided "as is"; the utility and fitness for any particular purpose is at the discretion and judgement of the recipient.
Hypertexted by quill [FurryMUCK character] for the information and education of FurryMUCK users and potential users. Send comments and suggestions to quill via page-mail on FurryMUCK, or click my image below.
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